Many Black Actors Voicing Rio 2: Janelle Monae, Jamie Foxx, Amanda Stenberg,, Tracy Morgan, Bruno Mars
The animated sequel Rio 2 has cast a number of new voice actors. Several Black actors are among the ranks including Janelle Monae, Jamie Foxx, Amanda Stenberg,, Tracy Morgan, and Bruno Mars. Monae, Stengberg, and Mars’ characters have not yet been announced. However, will play Pedro the cardinal, Foxx will voice Nico, a yellow […]
Strong Male Representation in This Year’s Emmy Nominations
The Emmy nominations have been announced. The award show will air on September 23rd, 2012 at 7pm eastern. While black women are missing from the list of Emmy nominations this year, 4 black men have been nominated in 4 separate categories. From left to right: Best […]