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Tyra Banks Announces Life-Size 2

by on November 26, 2012

Today Tyra Banks made this announcement on her social media profiles:
“I’m producing and starring in Lifesize 2! Shine Bright, Shine Far…Again!!!”

The first Life-Size film was a G rated TV movie that debuted on the silver screen in 2000. Lindsey Lohan played a young girl who tried to resurrect her mother but instead brought her doll, Eve, to life.  Tyra Banks played the real life version of the Eve doll.

We all know

Watch Tyra banks perform “I’m A Star” from Life-Size in the clip below.

How old were you when the film Life-Size came out? Do you remember watching it on TV? I know I do.

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  • ImWatchingYou

    im only going to watch it if Lindsay Lohan is in it, too.