Sharon Leal and Cuba Gooding Jr. Will Star In Underground Railroad Tale

by on January 22, 2013



Did Django Unchained leave you pumped for another slavery era film? Fortunately 2013’s got a few on the way.

Actors Cuba Gooding Jr. (Red Tails, American Gangster)  and Sharon Leal (Woman Thou Art Loosed: On the 7th Day, Why Did I Get Marriedwill star in an upcoming Underground Railroad escape from slavery film titled Something Whispered. The rest of the cast looks relatively unknown on the site’s IMDB page. Perhaps this means the two Black actors will get a bigger chance to shine.

According to Indie Wire, in the film Something Whispered two slaves escape and they “are tracked by a group of ruthless hired slave hunters” as they journey toward freedom. Leal will play wife to Gooding’s character, Samuel.

No release date has been announced.

Check out our posts on Twelve Years As A Slave, a film I’m looking forward too.

What do you think of the sudden reemergence of slave films after a dry spell lasting several years. Was Amistad really the last slave feature released in theaters before Django Unchained?

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